Today’s content marketers generally agree: If you want to boost engagement and drive traffic to your site, you have to start creating videos.
But that’s easier said than done. Let’s break down some of the basics of video marketing to set your video production efforts up for success.
1. What Is Video Marketing?
For the most part, people are visual learners. We like pictures, colors, videos, charts and graphs. That means if your marketing content includes videos, odds are a potential customer is going to click on it. That’s basically what video marketing is all about; it’s a way to transmit valuable information about your product, services or industry to prospective customers in a highly engaging way to generate traffic, increase brand awareness and encourage engagement with your brand.
Some of the effective types of marketing videos include:
- Product videos.
- Customer testimonial videos.
- Company “about us.”
- Webinar.
- Explainer video.
The specific types of video you choose to create will depend on your business and marketing needs, but you should never consider them standalone pieces of content. They should form one part of a much larger, more dynamic marketing strategy that includes all other forms of content to maximize engagement with users across all channels and formats.
Deep Dive
How to Create a Product Demo Video That Generates Money (Video)
Learn how to create a profitable product demo video, and check out these great examples.
5 of the Best Testimonial Videos To Inspire Your Own
We’re firm believers in the marketing potential of each and every well-crafted video testimonial we’ve observed. Here are a few of our favorites.
2. Why Is Video Marketing
So Powerful?
Video marketing is powerful because it doesn’t take much effort for users to click and watch videos (especially if they’re short), meaning prospective customers can access the information they contain faster and easier than other forms of content.
Here are some of the benefits video advertising can deliver for your organization:

Boost Engagement
Videos work best when they are embedded into other pieces of content as part of a larger content strategy. Done right, a great video can help you maximize user engagement on other pages. It increases the amount of time users spend interacting with your brand and improves the likelihood of goal conversion.

Increase Organic Traffic
User engagement is one of the many metrics Google and other search engines use to determine where your pages rank on search results pages. That means the better your videos encourage user engagement, the higher Google will rank your pages. It also means you’ll generate more organic traffic to other areas of your website.

Higher Goal Conversions
Users need to stay on your pages long enough to know what you want them to do (and to actually take that action). If they find your videos engaging enough, they are significantly more likely to take the next step in the customer journey, whether that’s subscribing to your newsletter, filling out a form or downloading a report.

Enhance your ROI
Strategically embedding video into your existing content turbocharges engagement and accomplishes more of your goals with fewer marketing dollars spent. That means you’re getting more value from your existing budget, freeing up dollars to spend on other marketing (or business) initiatives.
Deep Dive
How to Create Engaging Video Content That Boosts Your Conversions
Want to learn how to create engaging video content to boost conversions and wow your audience? Read this post to find out seven useful strategies to do that.
8 Do’s and Don’ts of Creating Marketing Videos — with Video Creative Director AJ Muffett
There’s so much “video marketing best practices” content out there, but how much of it is actually helpful? Our Video Creative Director, AJ Muffett, walks us through some of the most common do’s and don’ts when it comes to creating marketing videos.”
3. Examples of Video Marketing
Microsoft Teams
Zoom took the world by storm when the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to go remote, but marketing videos like these helped Microsoft Teams recover lost market share and eventually dominate the space. This video works like a product demo, displaying the Teams interface while taking viewers through the platform’s most essential features. It also uses a sprinkling of emojis and pictures of real people to make the experience feel more fun, lively and, importantly, human.
MUD\WTR offers a selection of plant-based coffee alternatives that provide (mostly) caffeine-free energy. This “about us” video intertwines the founder’s personal background with the company’s foundational story to convey its vision and mission. It works because it maintains the casual, pseudo-crunchy style the company maintains across its other collateral, while directly targeting the artists, travelers and experience junkies through relevant graphics and imagery.
Slack’s feature sets are as simple as its videos. One of the leading business messaging platforms, Slack’s video creators resist the temptation of diving into the nitty-gritty in their feature demos, choosing instead to showcase only what is essential. The messaging is clear and to the point, and that makes its product feel equally simple and usable.
True Classic
True Classic is a men’s clothing brand that makes shirts, pants and other pieces of clothing designed to provide a better, more tailored fit for men. Their videos are unapologetically honest — they know who their target audience is and what they want. They include a great balance of humor and messaging and are unafraid to take risks by poking fun at the brand, making them both approachable and relatable.
Deep Dive
12 Video Ideas for Any B2B Business (With Examples)
Learn why video is such an important component of marketing strategies – and watch the examples that prove why B2B brands can’t afford to be camera shy.
4 Ways to Make Marketing Videos While Staying Socially Distant
2020 was supposed to be the year of video marketing. It still can be. Here’s how to make live-action and other types of videos for your audience right now.
4. Top 4 Tips to Create a Great Video Marketing Strategy
It takes time to plan and execute a good video marketing strategy. Here are some of the best ways to ensure you knock every one of your marketing videos out of the park:
1. Define Your Goals
Before you hit the record button or get into the production studio, it’s important you understand exactly what you’re trying to accomplish. Your goals will serve as your North Star and guide all production and distribution efforts.
For example, If you’re trying to drive more traffic to your blog, a shorter video explaining one or two key concepts will do the trick. A product demo, on the other hand, might be a little longer and should include a clear call to action at the end.
2. Know Your Target Audience
Don’t just create videos about topics that you find interesting. You should shape all video content marketing around the information your audience actually wants and needs. Interviews, surveys and user engagement analytics are all great ways to learn about your customers’ pain points and the information they find most valuable.
3. Be Consistent With Your Branding
If you typically maintain a serious, professional tone in other marketing materials but your videos err more on the fun and whimsical side, it might make your brand appear inconsistent and disorganized. Customers won’t like that.
All video scripts, images, graphics, colors and other elements should be consistent with your existing brand guidelines. Viewers need to know that when they click into your video, they’re actually consuming a piece of content made by you.
4. Keep It Short, Sweet and to the Point
Users like videos, but that doesn’t mean they’re willing to sit through 20-minute-long documentaries explaining every detail of your product offering. Most video content consumers still have short attention spans, and they want to be able to consume an entire video in as short a time as possible.
You should ideally condense your message and convey it in a maximum of two minutes (and ideally much shorter than that). Eliminate the fluff, avoid long-winded intros and get straight to the point; you’ll get your message across faster and encourage viewers to engage with your marketing video longer.
Deep Dive
How to Write a Script for a YouTube Video: Tips and Best Practices
Wondering how to create YouTube videos like the pros? You’re in the right place. Read on for tips on writing scripts for maximum engagement and impact!
How Long Should a YouTube Video Be?
How long should a YouTube video be? The short answer: It depends. Here’s everything you need to know about crafting the perfect YouTube videos.
5. Where to Showcase Your Video Marketing Content
The short answer — anywhere and everywhere! Video content is one of the best ways to share information and increase engagement with other online collateral, so embed relevant videos anywhere you want users to engage with your brand.
Of course, some videos have their own legs and deserve exclusive real estate. These are your “about us” videos, product demos and other forms of video that don’t require other content to convey a message. In those cases, consider creating purpose-built landing pages to house your videos and direct traffic.
In the end, standalone videos will never see the light of day, so you should never shirk on a good distribution strategy. Don’t be afraid to chop your videos into smaller, snackable chunks and include them in email marketing and social media posts, sending them out to your network and beyond.
Deep Dive
Why Video Content Management is Essential to Your Marketing Strategy
Video content management can be used to improve your marketing strategy. Learn what it is and why it’s such an important tool for supporting your business.
A Content Marketer’s Guide to Video Distribution
Video distribution is every bit as important as video production. Here’s how to do it right, on your own website and on social media.

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