How can businesses get to the top spots in Google search results? The answer is to create pages that can answer the specific questions that are being asked in search, all in one place. These are search landing pages.
Answering customers’ top queries as a content marketing strategy is definitely not breaking news, and it’s something we’ve been suggesting for years. But, it’s a tactic some brands still need help catching up on.
Here’s a case study proving the value of search landing pages:
Industry: Finance
Brafton Content: Blog content, landing page copy, custom visuals, quarterly white papers
Highlights: An FAQ page geared toward millennials that answers questions about mortgages has brought in a higher volume of qualified leads.
“The FAQ page we created all about mortgages came about because our client’s Webmaster Tools and search console data were screaming for it to be made,” Senior Content Marketing Strategist Matthew Levy explained. “There was such high search volume on very specific questions and terms, but no one site in particular (including their site) was a standout in SERPs. We could tell very early on that with well-written content, that we would have some quick wins.”
The result? Better rankings in search, and more qualified visitors requesting to learn more about our client’s services.
Refresh: What is a search landing page?
Landing pages can be used to define or explain concepts, products or services that are core to a business. They are generally aimed at providing information and encouraging site visitors to take desired actions.
Although these crucial pieces of content are relatively static not quite blog content that’s changed or updated daily, but not as permanent as a homepage), landing pages aren’t something to set and forget. These pages must have the look and feel of a brand, be optimized for custom goals, and tested and revised over time to continually provide users with better on-site experiences.
(Looking for more marketing definitions? Head over to our content marketing glossary.)
How to decide: Should I create a landing page or a blog post?
When you’re deciding whether content should be a landing page or a blog post, remember that a landing page is meant to have a long shelf-life. A blog post should have a mix of both timely and evergreen information, but it will not always be at the forefront of your website.
“What sets this landing page apart from our blog posts is that it is one of the few evergreen pieces we’ve done,” Matt explained. “Generally, we are writing on current housing trends and changes to mortgage laws and rates. This was a piece intended to have a long shelf-life.”
Here are a few key differences:
Landing pages can live directly in the search navigation bar on a website:
Landing pages should have a clear call-to-action that’s more prominent than a CTA used within a blog post. Here’s a landing page CTA button:
Versus a blog post CTA button:

Search landing pages move buyers further down the sales funnel. Here’s proof:
Looking back at our client in the finance industry, 28 percent of visitors who viewed the FAQ page at one point went on to fill out a contact form on the “Contact Us” page. Even more impressive, 19 percent went directly from the FAQ page to the “Contact Us” page.
Want to learn more about building landing pages? Check out these resources: