It can be easy for small call-to-action buttons to get lost in the shuffle when marketers are tracking high-level trends so they can stay one step ahead of competitors. But even staying on top of load speeds, mobile optimization, new web content formats, etc., may not have that much impact on conversions – and ultimately, ROI – if the site has lousy calls to action.
Don’t let your CTAs fade into the background
Brafton and one customer recently found basic tweaks to CTAs can drastically improve conversion rates. Our Content Marketing Strategists advised a client to replace its legacy CTA buttons with fresh versions that implemented some basic design principles (contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity) and conversion rates jumped 100 percent.

The updated CTAs used a contrasting color for the text and larger social buttons. The changes weren’t rocket science, and they didn’t dramatically alter the look of the site: The graphic designers incorporated simple updates to ensure it was clear what users were asked to do. The revamped CTA – the only major change to the site in that time period – brought in over 40 newsletter signups in two weeks. Compare this with the previous buttons that blended with website’s background color and earned between zero and five signups per week on average.

Results were immediate, and the client’s content analytics reports showed goal completion spikes directly after the site’s dull form-fills and icons were swapped for brighter versions that made the call to action, “Sign up for our newsletter,” easier to read and follow. The design update moved the text directly on top of the button so websites visitors interested in learning more could opt-in with a click.
No eye for design? Ask for a second opinion
If the results are so dramatic, why don’t more marketing teams consider CTA optimization a front-burner project? The problem may be simple. Focused on sweeping industry trends, building editorial schedules and tracking results, marketers don’t necessarily have the time or design skills to spot these small changes. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2014 B2B Trends data, design is the task marketing teams outsource most often.
The revamped CTA brought in over 40 newsletter signups in two weeks.
It’s easy to get caught up in the big picture of the brand’s identity and lose sight of how small details can make or break conversion opportunities. That’s why it’s so important to invite a second set of eyes that might see where clicks are getting lost and offer a fresh perspective about how to win them back. As evidenced in this small study, minor updates can have a major impact on brands’ bottom lines.